Mind ya I ain't no prude iffen the truth be known. But this bag and this mag, when they showed this picture of a woman (not a lady in my opinion) drop her top, really went over the top according my way of thinking. Just not appropriate period, and is way worse than that gal that was painting her son's toenails pink for sum advertising deal!
What struck me the most was the defiant body language expressed by this gal and the "is this Ok look" on the young boy's face. I really do not think our society has lost all of it's sense of modesty and decorum, but the liberal sucking the hind teat approach of getting their agenda front and off to the left makes me scratch my head in bewilderment at times.
Maybe it's all a function of the mentality of the left thinking that folks are incapable of taking care of themselves and making up their minds according to the individually that G-d created us with. Worked pretty dang good for me growing up. I was bottle fed, Mom did the stay at home thing, I was granted a lot of latitude in decision making for myself as I aged (can't say I growed up, gotta Peter Pan streak in me about a mile wide) and nanny was a foreign concept (did jah know way back when alotta European gals would come over here for college and worked as nannies to pay tuition?).
Sad to see where this country is headed, even men are getting breast cancer (betcha it only plagues liberal men, they tend to be big boobs anyway). The icons of society seem to be the Hollywood goofballs, socialistic appointees, news anchors that figger the only news important to report on is their opinions and a president who figgers if he sucks up to the right leftist people he can break records for a single event fund raising.
If this what it takes to be one of the priviledged elite I'd take option B, suck on the barrel of a Smith and Wesson 45 cal and pray my aim is true.
Not really just kiddin' ya'll, life would never suck that bad to not go out fighting the good fight, just sounded like a good finish to my short dissertation on why liberals suck.